February 23, 2024

A plaintiff's motion to proceed anonymously.

In determining whether to grant the motion, the court must use its discretion in balancing the plaintiff's privacy interest against the presumption in favor of open trials and against any potential prejudice to the defendant. Among the factors the court should consider are: 1) whether the plaintiff is challenging governmental activity or an individual's actions; 2) whether the plaintiff's action requires disclosure of information of the utmost intimacy; 3) whether identification would put the plaintiff or innocent third-parties at risk of suffering physical or mental injury; 4) whether the defendant would be prejudiced by allowing the plaintiff to proceed anonymously; and 5) the public interest in guaranteeing open access to proceedings without denying litigants access to the justice system.

Doe v. Mesivtha, Inc., NY Slip Op 00614 (2d Dep't February 7, 2024)

Here is the decision.