June 17, 2022

Long-arm jurisdiction.

There is long-arm jurisdiction under the "transacts business" provision of CPLR 302(a)(1) because defendant's New York activities were purposeful and substantially related to plaintiffs' claims to recover on 11 notes and debentures signed by defendant. Defendant's principal purposefully transacted business in New York by negotiating the terms of 8 of the 11 notes and debentures during in-person meetings in New York. In connection with the loan transactions, defendant retained a New York firm to represent it, traveled to New York on multiple occasions to meet with plaintiffs' representatives to promote and provide progress reports on defendant's business, and established a continuing relationship with plaintiffs that lasted several years and spanned 11 separate loans, all of which is sufficient to satisfy the statutory test for long-arm jurisdiction.

4069 Rosen Assoc., LLC v. Tournamentone Corp., NY Slip Op 03864 (1st Dep't June 14, 2022)

Here is the decision.