June 12, 2015

Denial of a motion for a default judgment.

Practice point:  The Appellate Division affirmed the denial of the motion and the order directing plaintiff to accept the answer.  The Appellate Division noted that while defendant's excuse for not timely answering -- confusion and inadvertence -- was not particularly compelling, it was sufficient.  In addition, the delay was relatively short, plaintiff suffered no prejudice, there is no evidence of willfulness, and there is a strong public policy in favor of resolving cases on the merits.

Student note:  As no default judgment had been entered, defendant was not required to demonstrate a meritorious defense, pursuant to CPLR 3012[d].

Case:  Marine v. Montefiore Health Sys., Inc., NY Slip Op 04725 (1st Dept. 2015)

Here is the decision.

Monday's issue: A fall down the stairs, and actionable defects.