June 10, 2015

Consolidation, joint trials, and venue.

Practice point:  In this medical malpratice action, the claims relate to treatment rendered at a hospital located in Nassau County.  Many of the individual defendants reside in Nassau County, and all of the individual defendants worked in Nassau County at the time of the alleged malpractice and lack of informed consent. The plaintiffs themselves resided in Nassau County at the time each action was commenced.

The Appellate Division determined that, under these circumstances, the Supreme Court providently exercised its discretion in granting those branches of the cross motions which were to place the venue of the consolidated action in Nassau County and denying that branch of the plaintiffs' motion which was to place venue in Queens County.

Student note:  When a trial court orders consolidation or joint trials under CPLR 602(a), venue should generally be placed in the county where jurisdiction was invoked in the first action. However, the court, in its discretion, may place venue elsewhere.

Case:  Castro v. Durban, NY Slip Op 04600 (2d Dept. 2015)

Here is the decision.

Tomorrow's issue:  Summary judgment in a discriminatory employment action.