February 10, 2014

A declaratory judgment claim involving a Delaware LLC.

Practice point:  The Appellate Division reversed the order denying defendant's motion to dismiss, or alternatively for summary judgment, as to the cause of action for a declaration that defendant is required to sell his LLC shares to plaintiffs.

The parties' rights as members of a Delaware LLC are defined by the operating agreement which does not indicate that plaintiffs could compel the sale of defendant's membership interests. Plaintiffs rely on a section of the agreement which allows them to compel the sale of the membership interest upon the termination of the employment of "an employee other than a manager." However, it is undisputed that defendant was a managerial employee at the time of his termination, and so, under the agreement's plain language, the section is inapplicable. Moreover, plaintiffs' reading would divest the phrase "other than a manager" of any effect, a result that is contrary to Delaware which favors the interpretation that gives effect to all terms of contract.

Student note:  Where, as here, the declaratory judgment claim is resolved on the merits, the proper course is to issue a declaration in defendant's favor, not a dismissal.

Case:  LCM Holdings GP, LLC v. Imbert, NY Slip Op 00595 (1st Dept. 2014).

Here is the decision. 

Tomorrow's issue: A landowner's liability.