August 20, 2013

Motion for summary judgment in lieu of a complaint.

Practice point:  On a CPLR 3213 motion, a plaintiff may supplement its papers in response to a defendant's arguments in order to establish its entitlement to summary judgment in lieu of a complaint. Nothing that can be cured merely by adding papers should result in a denial of the motion, unless it is a denial with leave to renew on proper papers, pursuant to Siegel. Mere omissions from the affidavits that can be rectified by filing and serving additional affidavits should be cured by a continuance or adjournment in order for the additional affidavits to be served and filed.

Student note: If the motion is denied, the moving and answering papers shall be deemed the complaint and answer, respectively, unless the court orders otherwise.

Case:  Sea Trade Mar. Corp. v. Coutsodontis, NY Slip Op 05599 (1st Dept. 2013).

Here is the decision.

Tomorrow's issue: The first-in-time rule.