August 5, 2013

Denying a trustee's commission.

Practice point:  Courts have the discretion to take into consideration all of a trustee's misconduct in determining the grant of annual commission, even conduct that occurred after the period applicable to the commission. The Surrogate has broad discretion to deny commission to a trustee if the trustee has engaged in misconduct. In determining if a commission should be denied, misconduct that is not directly related to the commission being sought may be taken into consideration,

Student note:  Trustees can be denied commission where their acts involve bad faith, a complete indifference to their fiduciary obligations, or some other act that constitutes malfeasance or significant misfeasance. The denial of a commission, however, should not be in the nature of an additional penalty. Rather, it should be based on the trustee's failure to properly serve the trust.

Case:  Matter of Gregory Stewart Trust, NY Slip Op 05290 (1st Dept. 2013).

Here is the decision.

Tomorrow's issue: Restitution of funds.