August 3, 2024

Motions to extend time.

Upon the application of a party, the court may extend the time to appear or plead, or compel the acceptance of a pleading untimely served, upon such terms as may be just and upon a showing of reasonable excuse for delay or default, pursuant to CPLR 3012[d].  A defendant seeking to vacate a default in answering a complaint and to compel the plaintiff to accept an untimely answer pursuant to CPLR 3012(d) must provide a reasonable excuse for the default and demonstrate a potentially meritorious defense. The determination of what constitutes a reasonable excuse lies within the sound discretion of the Supreme Court. This determination is based on numerous factors, including the extent of the delay, whether there has been prejudice to the opposing party, whether there has been willfulness, and the strong public policy in favor of resolving cases on the merits.

Bacova v. City of New York, NY Slip Op 03872 (2d Dep't July 24, 2024)

Here is the decision.