July 11, 2024

The storm-in-progress rule.

A property owner will not be held responsible for accidents occurring as a result of the accumulation of snow and ice on its premises until an adequate period of time has passed following the cessation of the storm to allow the owner an opportunity to ameliorate the hazards caused by the storm.

Here, the defendants failed to establish their prima facie entitlement to judgment as a matter of law dismissing the complaint insofar as asserted against them. In support of their motion, the defendants submitted climatological records that were not certified and a transcript of the deposition testimony of the plaintiff, which failed to eliminate triable issues of fact as to whether a storm was in progress at the time of the accident and whether the plaintiff slipped and fell on a preexisting condition.

Defendants' motion is denied, without regard to the sufficiency of the plaintiff's opposition papers.

Ahmed v. Fulton Nostrand, LLC, NY Slip Op 03677 (2d Dep't July 3, 2024)

Here is the decision.