May 19, 2024

Premises liability.

A property owner will not be held liable for injuries sustained from a condition on the property which is inherent or incidental to the nature of the property and which could reasonably be anticipated by those using it. Here, the plaintiff fell in an area of a municipal park which was characterized by reed beds and which was not intended to be a public walkway. The County established, prima facie, that the condition that caused the plaintiff's fall was incidental to the nature of the property and could reasonably have been anticipated in that location.  In opposition, the plaintiff failed to raise a triable issue of fact. Contrary to the plaintiff's contention, the discovery allegedly provided by the County after the summary judgment motion was fully submitted did not require denial of the summary judgment motion, as the plaintiff failed to demonstrate that the facts contained in that discovery were relevant or exclusively within the knowledge and control of the County. 

Claus v. County of Nassau, NY Slip Op 02518 (2d Dep't May 8, 2024)

Here is the decision.