April 18, 2024

Default judgments.

The default judgment was not vacated pursuant to CPLR 5015(a)(1) because defendant failed to establish a reasonable excuse for its default. The withdrawal order at issue was properly served on the Secretary of State as defendant's agent, pursuant to LLC Law § 303[a]. The failure to keep a current address on file with the Secretary of State is not a reasonable excuse for a default. Defendant concedes that the order was sent to its representative's correct email address. The ensuing default order and judgment were mailed to defendant at its admitted address. Its failure to take any steps to vacate the default until over three months later, after its assets were restrained, is not excusable.

San-Dar Assoc. v. Corporate Habitat NY, LLC, NY Slip Op 02028 (1st Dep't April 16, 2024)

Here is the decision.