November 20, 2023

Legal malpractice.

In order to state a cause of action to recover damages for legal malpractice, the plaintiff must allege (1) that the attorney failed to exercise the ordinary reasonable skill and knowledge commonly possessed by a member of the legal profession, and (2) that the attorney's breach of the duty proximately caused the plaintiff actual and ascertainable damages. Conclusory allegations of damages or injuries predicated on speculation cannot suffice for a malpractice action, and dismissal is warranted where the allegations in the complaint are merely conclusory and speculative. A malpractice claim is viable where the underlying action is settled if the plaintiff alleges that settlement was effectively compelled by the mistakes of counsel. 

Alexim Holdings, LLC v. McAuliffe, NY Slip Op 05581 (2d Dep't November 8 2023)

Here is the decision.