September 15, 2023

A default in opposing a motion.

The plaintiff commenced this action to cancel and discharge a mortgage on certain real property. After issue was joined, the plaintiff moved for summary judgment on the complaint. The Supreme Court granted the plaintiff's motion upon the defendant's failure to file opposition papers. The defendant thereafter moved for leave to renew the plaintiff's unopposed motion. The court denied the defendant's motion for leave to renew, and the defendant appeals. The defendant's motion for leave to renew was properly denied, as there was no opposition to the plaintiff's motion that could have been renewed The proper procedure to cure a default in opposing a motion is to move pursuant to CPLR 5015(a) to vacate the default, and, if necessary, to appeal from a denial of that motion.

BSD 253, LLC v. Wilmington Sav. Fund Socy., FSB, NY Slip Op 04429 (2d Dep't August 30, 2023)

Here is the decision.