August 23, 2021

CPLR 3215(c).

"]f the plaintiff fails to take proceedings for the entry of judgment within one year after the default, the court shall not enter judgment but shall dismiss the complaint as abandoned . . . unless sufficient cause is shown why the complaint should not be dismissed." In order to avoid dismissal, it is not necessary for a plaintiff to actually obtain a default judgment within one year of the default, or to specifically seek the entry of a judgment within one year. As long as'proceedings are undertaken, and these proceedings manifest an intent not to abandon the case but to seek a judgment, the case should not be subject to dismissal. Furthermore, where an action is subject to a mandatory settlement conference, pursuant to CPLR 3408, the one-year deadline is tolled while settlement conferences are pending.

Deutsche Natl. Bank Trust Co. v. Attard, NY Slip Op 04698 (2d Dep't August 18, 2021)

Here is the decision.

Tomorrow's issue: Appellate practice.