July 27, 2020

The doctrine of res judicata.

The doctrine encompasses both claim preclusion and issue preclusion. Claim preclusion bars claims that were, or should have been, advanced in a previous suit involving the same parties. Issue preclusion, or collateral estoppel, bars the relitigation of issues that were argued and decided in the first suit, but it does not bar entire causes of action. Unlike claim preclusion, issue preclusion can be raised by someone who was not a party or in privity in the first suit. Issue preclusion applies after the final adjudication of an identical issue that was actually litigated, and necessarily decided, in the first suit, and the issue was necessary to support a valid and final judgment on the merits.

Rojas v. Romanoff, NY Slip Op 04237 (1st Dep't July 23, 2020)

Here is the decision.