January 14, 2019

An involuntary dissolution.

Practice point:  In determining whether, under section 1104-a of the Business Corporation Law, the dissolution is warranted, a court must consider (1) whether liquidation is the only feasible means whereby the petitioner may reasonably expect to obtain a fair return on the petitioner's investment,  and (2) whether liquidation is reasonably necessary for the protection of the rights and interests of the petitioner or a substantial number of shareholders.  The court has discretion to deny the petition on a showing of shareholder oppression, provided the respondent shows that there is an adequate, alternative remedy, such as a buy-out, that would provide a fair return on the corporate investment.

Campbell v. McCall's Bronxwood Funeral Home, Inc., NY Slip Op 00182 (1st Dep't January 10, 2019)

Here is the decision.