January 11, 2018

Labor Law claims.

The Appellate Division determined that the motion court correctly dismissed the § 241(6) claim. Plaintiff fell when a chain caught his foot, and not because of a slippery condition or foreign substance.  Therefore, Industrial Code § 23-1.7(d) is not implicated.  In addition, plaintiff fell from a tractor trailer, and not in a passageway, and so § 23-1.7(e)(1) does not apply. Finally, the metal bars welded to the trailer's body for use as a ladder or stairway are not a single ladder within the meaning of § 23-1.21(c).

The Appellate Division found that the motion court should not have granted, sue sponte, summary judgment to  plaintiff on the § 240(1) claim.  While plaintiff was injured while engaged in an enumerated activity, there are questions of fact as to whether plaintiff was the sole proximate cause of the accident.

Case:  Cross v. Noble Ellenburg Windpark, LLC, NY Slip Op 00092 (1st Dep't January 9, 2018)

Here is the decision.