November 15, 2017

Emergeny operations, auto accidents, and statutory privilege.

The Appellate Division affirmed defendants' motion for summary judgment, finding that defendant police officer was operating a police vehicle while performing an emergency operation and did not recklessly disregard the safety of others before the accident happened.

Practice point:  The fact that defendant was mistaken in believing that plaintiff was stopping her vehicle when he passed through the red light does not make his conduct reckless. Defendant testified that, as he approached the intersection, he reduced his speed and looked left and right, and that he was traveling approximately 10 miles above the speed limit when the accident occurred.  Defendant tried to avoid colliding with plaintiff by braking hard and turning the steering wheel to the right upon realizing that plaintiff's vehicle had entered the intersection.

Student note:  The question of whether the police vehicle's lights and siren were activated is immaterial because defendant was not required to activate either of these devices in order to be entitled to the statutory privilege of driving through the red light.

Case:  Lewis v. City of New York, NY Slip Op 07785 (1st Dep't November 9, 2017)

Here is the decision.