November 3, 2016

Moving for a discretionary change of venue.

Practice point:  Pursuant to CPLR 510(3), the movant must demonstrate that the change will promote the convenience of material witnesses and the ends of justice. The movant must set forth (1) the names, addresses, and occupations of the prospective witnesses; (2) the facts to which the witnesses will testify at trial, so that the court may judge whether the proposed evidence is necessary and material; (3) a statement that the witnesses are willing to testify; and (4) a statement that, absent the change, the witnesses would be greatly inconvenienced.

Case:  Ambroise v. United Parcel Serv. of Am., Inc., NY Slip Op 06993 (2d Dep't October 26, 2016)

Here is the decision.

Tomorrow's issue:  Summary judgment in a trip-and-fall action.