July 9, 2015

Unlawful termination because of disability.

Practice point:  The Appellate Division affirmed the denial of defendant hospital's summary judgment motion, finding issues of fact as to whether the hospital unlawfully terminated petitioner's employment because of her disability. There is evidence in the record that plaintiff was suffering from a mental illness that was affecting her job performance before the hospital terminated her employment. There is also evidence that hospital employees, including plaintiff's supervisor, were aware of her physical and mental health issues before she took medical leave, and that her supervisor was concerned about her fitness to work upon her return.

Student note:  Plaintiff is not estopped from asserting her discrimination claims under the State and City Human Rights Laws. Her application for, and receipt of, federal and state disability benefits is not inconsistent with her claims. In addition, the hospital has not established, as a matter of law, that plaintiff could not have performed her job duties with a reasonable accommodation.

Case:  Duckett v. New York Presbyt. Hosp., NY Slip Op 05769 (1st Dept. 2015)

Here is the decision.

Tomorrow's issue: A Court of Claims determination in a non-jury trial.