March 4, 2014

Deed restrictions that run with the land.

Practice point:  New York law favor the free and unobstructed use of realty. A purchaser takes with notice from the record only of incumbrances in the direct chain of title. Absent actual notice before or at the time of the purchase, a land owner is bound only by such restrictions as appear in some deed of record in the conveyance to the owner or a direct predecessors in title. A purchaser is not required to search outside the chain of title.

Student  note:  Deed restrictions are strictly construed against those seeking to enforce them and will be enforced only on the basis of clear and convincing proof.

Case:  Butler v. Mathisson, NY Slip Op 01289 (2d Dept. 2014).

Here is the decision.

Tomorrow's issue: Liability of owners of covers and gratings on a street.