April 23, 2013

Workers' Compensation and special employers.

Practice point: The protection against lawsuits brought by injured workers which is afforded to employers by Workers' Compensation Law §§ 11 and 29(6) extends to special employers.Thus, an injured person who elects to receive Workers' Compensation benefits from the general employer is barred from maintaining a personal injury action against the special employer. The exclusivity provisions of the Workers' Compensation Law also extend to entities which are alter egos of the injured worker's employer.

Student note: A special employee is one who is transferred for a limited time of whatever duration to the service of another. General employment is presumed to continue, but this presumption is overcome upon clear demonstration of surrender of control by the general employer and assumption of control by the special employer.

Case: Abreu v. Wel-Made Enters., Inc., NY Slip Op 02524 (2d Dept. 2013).

Here is the decision.

Tomorrow's issue: Meeting of the minds.