August 1, 2007

Plaintiff commenced this medical malpractice action on December 19, 2003, claiming, among other things, that defendant had failed to diagnose her thyroid cancer. In moving for summary judgment, defendant argued that any alleged acts of malpractice occurring before June 22, 2001, were time-barred because they took place more than two-and-one-half years before the suit was filed. Finding a triable issue as to whether the statute was tolled by the continuous treatment doctrine, the Second Department denied the motion, in Connors v. Eng, which was decided on July 24, 2007.

Plaintiff's affidavit demonstrated that she initially saw the defendant on May 19, 1988, for an evaluation of her thyroid and thyroid nodule, and that, until May 18, 2002, she returned to the defendant's office 41 times for the purpose of monitoring her thyroid nodule.