June 1, 2010

Motion practice.

Practice point: The court may require plaintiff to post an undertaking when granting a preliminary injunction to permit the parties to engage in mediation.

Students should note that defendant may claim legal fees even if there is a stipulation that each party will bear its own costs and expenses.

Case: Golub v. Board of Mgrs.of Greentree at Murray Hill, NY Slip Op 04247 (1st Dept. 2010)

The opinion is here.

Tomorrow's issue: Administrative Law.

May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day.

Today is a court holiday, and so there is no post.

To our veterans of every time and stripe, thank you for your service.

Tomorrow's issue: Motion practice.

May 28, 2010

Motion practice.

Practice point: A process server's successive attempts to serve defendant personally at various times of the day when it could be reasonably expected that he would be at home satisfies the due diligence requirement of CPLR 308(4), allowing nail-and-mail service.

Students should note that, if the front door of defendant's apartment is accessible from the street, service on the building's doorman is not required.

Case: Farias v. Simon, NY Slip Op 04246 (1st Dept. 2010)

Here is the opinion.

Tuesday's issue: Motion practice.

May 27, 2010


Practice point: With the exception of a Dram Shop Act violation, the standard of care for a nightclub operator is the same as for any premises operator.

Students should note that, under the Dram Shop Acts, codified at General Obligations Law § 11-101 and Alcoholic Beverage Control Law § 65, liability requires a commercial sale of alcohol.

Case: Zamore v. Bar None Holding Co., NY Slip Op 04275 (1st Dept. 2010)

Here is the opinion.

Tomorrow's issue: Motion Practice.

May 26, 2010

Employment Law.

Practice point: A retaliatory firing claim will be dismissed if plaintiff does not rebut defendants' showing of a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for the termination.

Students should note that a hostile work environment claim will be dismissed if plaintiff does not establish that the firm did not take remedial action, or, if there was such action, does not raise factual issues regarding its efficacy.

Case: Clark v. Morelli Ratner PC, NY Slip Op 04264 (1st Dept. 2010)

Here is the opinion.

Tomorrow's issue: Torts.

May 25, 2010

Motion practice.

Practice point: As distinguished from issue preclusion and claim preclusion, the law of the case addresses the potentially preclusive effect of judicial determinations made in the course of a single litigation before final judgment.

Students should note that, absent a showing of subsequent evidence or change of law, an appellate court's resolution of an issue on a prior appeal constitutes the law of the case and is binding on the Supreme Court, as well as on the appellate court.

Case: Roddy v. Nederlander Producing Co. of Am., Inc., NY Slip Op 04261 (1st Dept. 2010)

Here is the opinion.

Tomorrow's issue: Employment Law.

May 24, 2010

School Law.

Practice point: During school hours, the supervisory standard is that of the reasonably prudent parent, but the lesser standard of a reasonable and prudent person applies to a student's voluntary participation in an intramural or extracurricular school sport.

Students should note that the duty to protect is a function of the school's physical custody and control over its students, and so once a student leaves the school's orbit of authority, the custodial duty ceases.

Case: Hansen v. Bath & Tennis Marina Corp., NY Slip Op 03872 (2d Dept. 2010)

Here is the opinion.

Tomorrow's issue: Motion practice.

May 21, 2010


Practice point: General principles governing option agreements require strict compliance with the terms setting forth the time and manner of the option's exercise.

Students should note that waiver of an established contractual right requires no more than the voluntary and intentional abandonment of a known right which, but for the waiver, would have been enforceable.

Case: Matter of Lamberti v. Angiolillo, NY Slip Op 03846 (1st Dept. 2010)

Here is the opinion.

Monday's issue: School Law.

May 20, 2010

Trusts and Estates.

Practice point: In order for assets to become part of a trust, pursuant to EPTL 7-1.18, the grantor must actually transfer the assets.

Students should note that the mere recital of assignment, holding or receipt is insufficient for transferring the assets.

Case: Matter of Bishop v. Maurer, NY Slip Op 03840 (1st Dept. 2010)

The opinion is here.

Tomorrow's issue: Contracts.

May 19, 2010


Practice point: Failure to read the owner's manual severs the causal connection between an alleged failure to warn and the accident.

Students should note that a manufacturer who sells a product in a defective condition is liable for injuries resulting from its intended use or from its unintended but reasonably foreseeable use.

Case: Reis v. Volvo Cars of North America, Inc., NY Slip Op 03779 (2d Dept. 2010)

The opinion is here.

Tomorrow's issue: Trusts and Estates.

May 18, 2010

Family Law.

Practice point: A spousal agreement that is fair on its face will be enforced according to its terms unless there is proof of fraud, duress, overreaching, or unconscionability.

Students should note that the agreement will not be overturned merely because some of its provisions were one-sided, and simply alleging an unequal division of assets does not establish unconscionability.

Case: Cioffi-Petrakis v. Petrakis, NY Slip Op 03266 (2d Dept. 2010)

Here is the opinion.

Tomorrow's issue: Torts.