January 16, 2008

Assumption of the risk.

Plaintiff was at a baseball field to watch her son's team play a practice-game and was injured when she was struck by a bat being swung by a player on the off-field side of a chain-link fence running along the third-base line. The player, in effect, was in the on-deck circle.

The First Department applied the doctrine of primary assumption of risk and dismissed the complaint, in Roberts v. Boys & Girls Republic, Inc., which was decided on January 8, 2008.

According to the doctrine, a voluntary participant, spectator or bystander assumes those commonly appreciated risks which are inherent in the sport or activity and which follow from participation in it. A plaintiff also assumes risks attributable to any open and obvious condition of the place where the activity is taking place.

Under the doctrine, a defendant's duty is limited to exercising care to make the conditions as safe as they appear to be. If the risks of the activity are fully comprehended or perfectly obvious, the plaintiff will have effectively consented to them and the defendant will have performed its duty.

Here, the court said that a player's taking practice swings is an inherent part of the game, and that plaintiff assumed the risks entailed by her voluntary proximity to the game, including the risk of being hit by a swung bat. The court gave no effect to plaintiff's argument that she did not know anything about baseball, saying that she still should have appreciated the risk posed by a swung bat.

The court rejected plaintiff's claim that the hazard was somehow concealed or sprung upon her. The on-deck area was obviously and logically situated relative to the activity on the field; it was marked with equipment; and it was in virtually continuous use by players during the 90 minutes that plaintiff was at the field. Indeed, plaintiff testified that she saw numerous children in the area of the accident swinging bats when she arrived at the field, and again saw such activity from the bleachers as she watched her son's team practice.

Two justices dissented, at some length, saying that plaintiff's injury resulted not from a risk commonly associated with the game, but from a risk that was created as a direct result of defendant's permitting the use of this non-defined, non-designated on-deck circle off the field of play in an area open to the public where plaintiff had every right to be. They concluded that the assumption of risk doctrine does not preclude a recovery for negligent acts which unduly enhance such risks, and that is what they thought defendants did here.

January 15, 2008

Notice and causality.

The First Department affirmed Supreme Court's denial of defendant's summary judgment motion, in Ruiz v. 30 Real Estate Corp., which was decided on January 8, 2008. Defendant failed to satisfy its initial burden of making a prima facie case on its argument that the grease and garbage on the staircase in its building was not a proximate cause of plaintiff's fall. In plaintiff's deposition testimony, which defendant offered in support of its motion, plaintiff said that he alerted a member of defendant's staff to the condition of the staircase, and that he slipped on the grease that was still there more than 12 hours later. The court gave short shrift to evidence that plaintiff had been drinking prior to his fall, and also to defendant's argument that, if plaintiff saw that garbage was still on the stairs, he should have taken the elevator.

January 14, 2008

Late notice of claim.

The Second Department granted leave to serve a late notice of claim, pursuant to General Municipal Law § 50-e(5), in Hursala v. Seaford Middle School, which was decided on December 26, 2007. The court began by noting that (1) petitioners had demonstrated a reasonable excuse for failing to serve a timely notice; (2) defendant had actual knowledge of the essential facts of the claim within 90 days or a reasonable time thereafter; (3) the injured petitioner was an infant; and (4) the delay would not substantially prejudice a defense on the merits.

Specifically, the court found that petitioners demonstrated a reasonable excuse for the delay since they were unaware of the severity of the infant petitioner's ankle injury until eight months after the accident. Further, defendant will not be substantially prejudiced since all of the witnesses to the accident are known, and there will likely be no problem in interviewing them.

January 11, 2008

An administrative termination.

The First Department confirmed the Fire Commissioner's termination of petitioner, a former firefighter, and dismissed the proceeding, in Kirk v. City of New York, which was decided on January 3, 2008.

Petitioner tested positive for cocaine during a random drug test, and the Fire Department terminated his employment. Appellate Division found substantial evidence -- the evidentiary standard -- to support the termination, and gave short shrift to petitioner's argument that the Department's random drug testing policy is unconstitutional. Appellate Division also opined that the penalty of termination for substance abuse does not shock the court's conscience.

Appellate Division noted that while alcohol dependency qualifies as a disability under the Human Rights Law, pursuant to Executive Law § 292[21], drug abuse does not. Petitioner failed to establish that his drug abuse was causally related to his alcoholism, and thus did not state a prima facie case of employment discrimination under Executive Law § 296(1).

January 10, 2008

The statute of frauds.

Plaintiffs stated various causes of action based on an alleged unwritten contract for them to perform services and provide proprietary materials in order to secure clients seeking defendants' services. The First Department dismissed the complaint in its entirety, in Stanwich Consulting v. Etkin, which was decided on January 3, 2008.

The court said it was undisputed that plaintiffs' compensation was contingent on their finding paying clients for defendants. However, the complaint did not allege that plaintiffs ever found any such clients. In any event, the court said that the alleged oral contract was too indefinite to be enforceable, and was barred by the statute of frauds, pursuant to General Obligations Law § 5-701(10).

January 9, 2008

Infant plaintiff was struck by a vehicle which suddenly accelerated while the driver was parking it. In a previous negligence action, brought against the owner and the driver, Supreme Court granted plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment on the issue of liability. In deciding that motion, the court added that the driver's negligence was the "sole proximate cause" of infant plaintiff's injuries. The parties settled and an infant's compromise order was entered.

Two years later, infant plaintiff and his mother commenced this action against the dealership, asserting causes of action sounding in products liability and negligent repair. Supreme Court dismissed the complaint on the ground that the issue of liability was determined in the previous action, and said plaintiffs were collaterally estopped from asserting that anything other than that the driver's negligence caused the infant's injuries.

The Second Department reinstated the complaint, in Sneddon v. Koeppel Nissan, which was decided on December 26, 2007. Appellate Division noted that collateral estoppel, or issue preclusion, prohibits a party from relitigating an issue which was previously decided in a proceeding in which that party had a full and fair opportunity to fully litigate the identical issue. The key is that the issue must have been necessarily decided in the prior proceeding.

Here, said Appellate Division, the previous action found that the driver's negligence was a proximate cause of infant plaintiff's injury, to which infant plaintiff did not contribute. In this action, though, the issues are whether the alleged manufacturing defect or negligent repair of the vehicle were also proximate causes of infant plaintiff's injuries. The issues in the current action are discrete and not identical to those in the previous action, and so plaintiffs are not barred from litigating them.

January 8, 2008

Labor Law 240.

To recover on a cause of action pursuant to Labor Law § 240(1) and (6), a plaintiff must demonstrate that (1) there was a violation of the statute, and (2) the violation was a proximate cause of the accident, or so said the Second Department, in Gittleson v. Cool Wind Ventilation Corp., which was decided on December 26, 2007. The court found that plaintiff's injury was not caused by a statutory violation, but solely by plaintiff's own actions in choosing to use an improperly placed, unopened, and unsecured ladder rather than the one he had brought and used earlier that day. The court also found that plaintiff's injury resulted from his own method of operation, and that defendant had no authority to supervise or control the work, and so no liability attached under Labor Law § 200 or under a common-law negligence theory.

January 7, 2008

The First Department affirmed the denial of summary judgment to plaintiff on his cause of action under Labor Law § 240(1), in Boccia v. City of New York, which was decided on December 20, 2007. The court said there was an issue of fact as to whether plaintiff fell from the ladder because it "shifted" or "slipped" due to water, mud, concrete mortar and other debris on the ground, as plaintiff claims, or because of "wet concrete" or "wet cement" on his boots, as defendant claims. The court found that issue in the accident reports prepared by plaintiff's foreman, in plaintiff's presence, in which plaintiff said he slipped on the ladder because of a wet substance on his boots.

January 4, 2008

The First Department granted defendant's motion to strike two claims in plaintiff's bill of particulars, namely, that defendant (1) negligently failed to hire enough competent employees, and (2) failed to adhere to applicable ordinances, codes and statutes, in DeJesus v. New York City Housing Authority, which was decided on December 28, 2007.

Plaintiff tripped and fell on a sidewalk abutting premises controlled by defendant, and near an area that was used to recycle tenants' garbage. Plaintiff's notice of claim alleges that defendant was negligent by locking the area so that garbage accumulated on the sidewalk, in not providing another location for tenants to dispose of their garbage, and in failing to maintain and inspect the area. There was nothing in the notice of claim about defendant's negligent failure to hire enough employees and to ensure their competence. Accordingly, this is a new theory of liability that must be stricken from the bill of particulars.

Regarding the allegation that defendant failed to adhere to applicable ordinances, codes and statutes, the court said this was a vague and open-ended assertion which amplified nothing in the notice of claim, and that it too must be stricken from the bill of particulars.

January 3, 2008

Plaintiff -- who was defendant-college's only full-time corporate recruiter -- was fired after injuries she suffered in a car accident made her unable to make recruiting trips to Staten Island. She sued, alleging violations of the New York State and City Human Rights Law, but the First Department dismissed her complaint, in Jones v. Saint Joesph's College, which was decided on December 27, 2007. The court found record evidence that recruiting trips to Staten Island were an essential function of the job, and determined that plaintiff's suggested accommodation of assigning Staten Island recruiting trips to other employees was unreasonable. The court gave short shrift to plaintff's contention that the firing was based on animus.

January 2, 2008

The First Department reversed the motion court's granting of summary judgment on tenant-plaintiff's cause of action for breach of the implied warranty of habitability, in Armstrong v. Archives L.L.C., which was decided on December 27, 2007. The court also reversed the declaratory judgment that plaintiff had rightfully terminated her lease and is not liable for further rent, and reinstated landlord-defendant's affirmative defenses and counterclaim.

The court said that defendant's affidavits raised material issues of fact as to whether the alleged noise from a neighboring apartment was so excessive that plaintiff was deprived of the essential functions of the residence. Plaintiff's showing of numerous complaints does not establish a breach, and defendant's notice of cure reciting the dates and substance of noise complaints against the offending tenant does not constitute a conclusive admission that the noise rose to the level of constituting a breach. Additionally, plaintiff's claim that defendant did nothing to address her complaints is contradicted by evidence that defendant's agents, including a porter and doormen, assisted plaintiff on many occasions by calling the offending tenant and going to his apartment in response to her complaints and setting up meetings to explore her relocation options to another apartment in the building. In addition, defendant's counsel wrote letters to, and served a notice to cure upon, the offending tenant.